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Chai Spice Mix

Updated: Jan 4, 2022

I do love a mixed spice mix, but I particularly love a chai spice mix with its addition of cardamom. It is all that is autumnal and will always remind me of sitting warming up in a cosy café in Canada whilst sipping a chai latte and munching on a chai spiced cookie after a long walk in minus something stupid degrees! Since then, I have searched for a recipe that would take me back to those few weeks spent in Canada and I found this to be the one.

Chai spice mix is perfect for autumn and winter recipes, just think about the warming pumpkin pie or delicately spiced squash soup. This spice mix can be used in all kinds of recipes and is lovely added to carrot cakes or if you want to add a bit of spice to biscuits. Obviously, it also works well in scone and crumble recipes and is a good spice mix to use for Christmas baking. It can also be added to black tea leaves to make a chai spiced tea, added to your coffee, or even mix a pinch in some warmed milk for a bedtime treat. I also like it sprinkled on top of yoghurt, over chopped fruit (especially bananas) or with my oats. It really can be used in whatever you like - don’t just reserve it for Christmas, spices are good throughout the year! You could also make it as a gift for Christmas.

Oh, and it smells amazing too!

Spices will lose their flavours once ground so if you do not use spices a lot it is best to make a small batch. If, like me, you get through spices quickly then this recipe can easily be doubled.


1 tbsp cinnamon

2 tsp ground ginger

2 tsp ground cardamom

1 tsp nutmeg, grated

1 tsp ground clove

½ tsp ground black pepper


  1. Mix all of the ingredients together and store in an airtight glass jar, in a cool, dark place.

Yes, that's it!

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